Day: October 1, 2019

what to put on a dog's dry nose

Also your dog needs a special regime in the summer heat

Outside there is warm weather, which brings health traps both in humans and in our dogs, which are very badly tolerated by heat. Together with experts, here are some tips and advice on how to help our four-legged friends survive the summer heat in health. So what to put on a dog’s dry nose ? Let us see.

How best to cool a dog?

Unlike people, the dog cannot help sweating from the heat. Dogs do not have sweat glands, so they cool down by quickly breathing and stroking their tongue. However, this mechanism is not nearly as effective as sweating, so animals on hot summer days have a greater problem with maintaining proper body temperature. Therefore, it is important that the dog was exposed to heat only for the necessary short time.

what to put on a dog's dry nose

At home, the dog should be in a well-ventilated area. Although you may have your rules, allow …