Day: March 18, 2020

Reliant Energy

Smart Energy Saving Plans for You

Do you have devices classified below class A? Jump quickly to renew your range of devices, energy savings are real and your devices more efficient. This is all the more true for very energy-consuming appliances tumble dryers, light bulbs, refrigeration appliances. According to professionals, over the life of the equipment, the savings can go up to $ 3,000 on electricity bills. For the Reliant Energy  options this is essential.

Reliant Energy

Luminaires and bulbs also have a significant saving margin, by investing in low-consumption bulbs. Compact fluorescent bulbs, for example, save 75 to 80% of energy compared to old incandescent bulbs, with a bonus of 6 to 7 times longer lifespan. Also, avoid turning on your lights too often, especially when natural lighting is possible. So place your furniture intelligently so you can enjoy non-artificial lighting. Energy savings can go up to one hour of lighting per day, which is not trivial.…