Day: July 21, 2020

art jamming

Culture of art jamming

While debates heated up in the last few decades over various methodological concerns in political science and the social sciences in general, a small body of work developed to explore the difficulties associated with conceptualization. Agreement on basic concepts like democracy and power. I argue that this problem is also, to a lesser extent, symptomatic of work on culture jamming. Thus, the first challenge this work presents is conceptual. Competing definitions of culture jamming necessitate a conceptualization both sufficiently rigorous to satisfy social scientific inquiry and consistent with the discourse among the culture of art jamming activists and theorists.

Culture jumping features

Before proceeding, it is necessary to clarify the conceptual approach of this work. First, to mark the boundaries of the concept, or to increase conceptual coherence, the definition proposed here establishes a set of analytic properties that together classify a phenomenon as culture jamming. Second, I find it …