Chiropractic care As Per Your Choice of Health


Manual therapy and muscle relaxation techniques as well as lumbar stabilization and posture exercises are also tools that the physiotherapist can use to solve your problem. Once the crisis has subsided, he will teach you exercise to prevent recurrences and review with you the right techniques for lifting a load and bending over. The chiropractor option is there now.

The Key: Working In Inter disciplinarily

In combination with physiotherapy, occupational therapy can help you review your postural hygiene to improve the way you work. Your occupational therapist will show you how to do your daily tasks better and correct the problematic postures. Massage therapy also helps relieve muscle tension associated with lumbar sprains.

Once the crisis has subsided, physical conditioning is highly recommended in order to maintain good back muscles and prevent recurrences. The help of a kinesiologist could be useful. A sprain occurs when stress is applied to a ligament structure that unites two bones beyond its limits. It is divided into three grades:

  • The most common, the ligament is overstretched, but not torn. The joint remains stable. Commonly known as “sprain”.
  • The ligament is partially torn, but there is no significant instability.
  • The most severe; the ligament is torn and instability is present.

Signs and symptoms vary depending on the degree of the sprain. The most common are:

  • Pain
  • Bruise
  • Signs of inflammation (redness, swelling, heat)
  • Difficulty doing a full charge
  • Loss of mobility
  • Feeling of instability

After a good sprain, it is of course necessary to make sure that there is no fracture. There are specific criteria, called the “Ottawa criteria”, which allow you to validate if you need to have x-rays by a physical examination. Your physiotherapist or doctor can check this and validate it if x-rays are indicated for you.


What To Do After A Sprain?

The first minutes: The goal of treatments following the time of your accident is to reduce edema, control inflammation and protect the affected joint.

For a few days: If you experience pain while walking, do not hesitate to use crutches for a few days. You can also put on an elastic bandage or consult your physiotherapist who can give you an ankle taping that controls swelling and protects the injured joint.

After a few days: Start walking gradually, avoiding uneven terrain and wearing high heels. If it is not already done, it is suggested to consult in a physiotherapy clinic in order to get you to prescribe an appropriate exercise program and thus prevent recurrences.

The first months: An ankle brace may be indicated when resuming sports.

Too often we overlook a sprained ankle. However, according to some studies, more than 50% of people will suffer from a second ankle sprain in their lifetime. Thus, a sprain that is not treated often leaves a loss of mobility, a lack of strength or a loss of sense of position or proprioception and muscle synchronization.

Tests, such as the Single Leg Balance (SLB) Test, can be done to determine if you are at risk for an ankle sprain. Take the test for yourself: Standing on one leg, without the other leg touching anything (or even your other leg), stay as balanced as possible. Repeat the exercise three times with your eyes open and three times with your eyes closed. For the test to be valid, you must be barefoot and keep your hands on your hips. Average your results.

Noelia Mincey