Smartest Options for the Best Insta Promotion


For a real relationship of exchange and sharing do you remember the famous Hashtags? They can also allow you to find publications from your community related to your business, especially if you have created your own Hashtags. The use of influenceuse happens to be essential here.

It can also happen that a subscriber tags your company in his publication if, for example, he publishes a photo of him using your product at your company. Anyway, don’t hesitate to react. Like, comment, and better yet, share these posts on your pro account. Your subscribers will then feel valued. They will know that they are far more than just potential customers or vulgar consumers for you.

To build loyalty in a community, engage it in your business and its values ​​on a daily basis, and thus promote your business effectively, exchange and sharing must take place in both directions. Do not hesitate to keep a regular watch on the publications of your subscribers, some could even be or become influencers.


Be active and regular

So your subscribers don’t forget you. No need to publish 15 content per day to be visible and present on Instagram. The secret lies above all in your regularity. Define from the start of a regular publication rhythm, which is attainable and respectable over time.

You can even inform your subscribers of your publication dates. They will know exactly when to expect to hear from your business. You will remain in their memory before, during, and after. To promote your business on Instagram, with little or no budget, the possibilities are numerous and the tools varied. However, with a well-defined objective and a coherent strategy built over the long term, you will obtain solid and lasting results. You will thus be able to build a real community, loyal and committed, which will definitively register your brand in the digital landscape.

In just a few years, Instagram has transformed itself from an application where you shared your life in photos to a real platform of choice for businesses. A few years ago, there were already a lot of celebrities on Instagram and big companies. Today, entrepreneurs and smaller businesses also want to take their share of the pie.

And it is understandable, 70% of American companies use Instagram for a commercial purpose and you know like me that Americans are ahead. These figures date from 2017. Look at the difference with 2016, there were only 48% of American companies using it at that time. There is indeed an upward trend in the use of Instagram for businesses, which confirm with Google Trends.

It’s normal, in recent years. Instagram has evolved for the benefit of companies with:

  • The possibility of creating a professional account
  • Instagram advertising
  • Powerful analysis tools only reserved for professional accounts
  • The many apps that optimize their presence on the social network
  • Adding stories that also benefit businesses

Precisely, a few weeks ago, Instagram took a big step forward by launching in this country the shopping feature only available to professional accounts and which allows companies to tag products on their publications. It should also be noted that the platform is filled with young people from generation Y also called native digital or Millennial.

Omni core claims that 59% of Instagram users are between 18 and 29 years old Generation Y. And 33% of Instagram users are between 30 and 49 years old.

Kirby Thalheimer