Day: July 7, 2022

Power to Choose Houston

Capacity To Choose: A Must-Have User Guide

Power rates and freedom are very controversial issues following the new winter storm in Texas, with extra thought on Power to Choose Houston and how people can avoid high bills. Stories prosper of people being charged $10,000 (and that is only the start!) for power use during the storm that occurred from February 13-17, 2021. A normal $16 billion was added to bills as power costs leaped to $9 per kWh for 32 hours, which is on various occasions the state’s January 2021 ordinary of 12.69 pennies. Texans can pick which power provider supplies their power. Could we look at how and where clients can find the best power expenses and how fixed-rate energy plans can safeguard you from alarming expense climbs?

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The Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC or PUCT of Texas) was laid out in 1975 to coordinate Texas power. Its fundamental positions are to …