Everything You Need To Know About Blocked Drains and What To Do About Them

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Blocked drains can be quite a nuisance and are often overwhelming, especially when you’re not sure what to do about it. While, it is true that a blocked drain can bring about a host of issues, there are simple ways to address the issue and restore your sanity in this situation. In this article, we will discuss all you need to know about blocked drains and how to solve them quickly and without too much hassle. click here  to get started.

What Causes Blocked Drains?

There are a few common causes of blocked drains. One of the main reasons is improper disposal of large items in the pipes, especially those that cannot dissolve in water, like nappies, fats or oils, wipes, sanitary products, and similar items. The constant use of chemical cleaners and detergents also plays a role as these substances all accumulate in the drains causing blockages eventually.

Signs of Blocked Drains

Knowing some of the most common signs of blocked drains is important for prevention and spotting the problem early on. Firstly, if there is a bad smell coming from your drains or toilets, it could be an indication of a blockage. Another sign to look out for is slow draining or visible flooding and gurgling noises from the pipes when water is being used.

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If you spot any of these signs, it is best to take action immediately to avoid further problems.

DIY Solutions For Blocked Drains

Fortunately, there are several DIY solutions for tackling blocked drains. However, note that if the problem persists or worsens, it is best to contact a professional plumber who will be able to detect the location of the blockage and help resolve it.

One of the easiest methods to try unclogging a slight blockage is using a plunger. Simply place the plunger directly over the drain opening and make sure it is submerged. Then pump it up and down firmly and quickly for a few minutes. If this does not work, a drain snake can be used to break down any accumulated debris inside the pipes.

Other useful methods for unclogging the drain include using baking soda and vinegar, boiling water, or an organic drain cleaner. Baking soda and vinegar create a reaction that can help break down grease and clear the pipe. Boiling water can flush away the debris. Similarly, organic drain cleaners use bacteria and enzymes to dissolve fat, oils, and grease.

When Should You Call Professional Help?

Sometimes, even after trying DIY solutions, a blockage may still persist which is why it is important to know when you should call professional help. Generally, calling a professional plumber is your best bet if the blockage has been recurrent, the pipes burst, if DIY methods did not work, or if you attempt to fix the blockage yourself but are unsuccessful.

Professional plumbers will also be able to provide advice on how to prevent future blockages and keep your drains healthy. They come with heavy-duty equipment and specialized tools that can be used to locate the source of the blockage and fix it once and for all. Moreover, they will be able to inspect the state of the pipes and make any necessary repairs.

Tips For Preventing Blocked Drains

In order to prevent future blockages, it is advisable to practice proper maintenance of your plumbing system. Here are a few tips on how to do so:

  • Avoid disposing of large items such as cigarettes, nappies, wipes, and hygiene products in the drains.
  • Do not pour oil, fat, or grease down the sink as this will eventually solidify and cause blockages.
  • Drain overflow outlets should be regularly checked for blockages.
  • Train family members to only dispose of small pieces of food waste in the garbage bin instead of the sink.
  • Periodically clean your pipes and drains using specialised drain cleaning tools.

Preventing blockages can save you a lot of time, money and effort in the long run as you will not have to frequently worry about recurring blocked drains.

By following the advice mentioned here, you should be well equipped to address any blocked drains. Remember that while you can use DIY methods to solve simple blockages, where necessary it is best to call a professional for help.

Cedrick Goodyear