The Hassle With Blocked Drains Bromley & How to Solve it

blocked drains bromley

blocked drains bromley can be a real headache for residents and property owners alike. That’s why it’s important to understand the common causes of blocked drains, as well as how to deal with them.

What are the Common Causes of Blocked Drains?

There are several reasons why your drains might become clogged. In many cases, foreign objects or materials get flushed down the toilet, leading to a blockage in the pipes. This could be anything from nappies and sanitary towels to toys, plastic bags and even jewellery.

Grease and fat are another common cause of blocked drains. When this type of material accumulates in the pipes, it sticks to the sides, resulting in a blockage. Hair is also a frequent culprit – long hairs can easily wrap around objects in the drains and cause restrictions that will eventually lead to an obstruction.

What Are The Signs Of a Blocked Drain?

The signs of a blocked drain are usually easy to spot once you know what to look for. You may notice gurgling noises coming from the plug hole or overflowing sinks when you turn on the taps. There could also be unpleasant odours coming from the drains, as this is often caused by sewage backing up due to a blockage.

If the blockage occurs in a toilet, you may also find that it takes a very long time for the water to go down after flushing. This is because the water has nowhere else to go due to the blockage.

blocked drains bromley

How Can I Unblock My Drains?

The first step to unblocking your drains should always be prevention. Avoid flushing things like nappies and wet wipes down the toilet, and try to keep any grease or fat away from the sinks. This will help to minimise the risk of a blockage occurring in the future.

If you already have a blockage, there are a few steps you can take to try and unblock it yourself.

One option is to use a plunger, which creates suction in order to dislodge the obstruction. Ensure that the plunger can fit securely over the blocked area, such as the plug hole, before you start to use it. You may need to repeat the plunging process several times.

Alternatively, you can try using a chemical drain cleaner. These cleaners contain powerful chemicals which dissolve the blockage and make your drains accessible again. However, while these products may be effective, they come with certain risks and safety precautions. Be sure to read all instructions carefully before using, as some products should not be used in combination with others.

When Should I Call A Professional Plumber?

If none of the methods above work or if you have multiple blocked drains, it is best to call a professional plumber for assistance. They will be able to inspect the problem and identify the exact cause of the blockage, so that it can be dealt with quickly and efficiently.

They may also be able to advise you on possible solutions to prevent the same problem happening in the future. This could involve changing the design of your drainage system, repairing broken pipes or adding additional filters.

Overall, blocked drains can be a nightmare, but by following these tips, you should be able to tackle the issue with relative ease. Just remember to stay vigilant and take proactive steps to avoid plumbing problems in the future.

Cedrick Goodyear