Day: December 9, 2019

stroke FAQ

What Kind of Damage Stroke Causes

ESUS, keep this acronym in mind, which stands for “Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source”. The genesis of these forms of stroke, roughly one in four of the ischemic lesions that represent about 80 percent of cases, remains unknown even after more thorough diagnostic tests. It is a mystery not only from a cognitive point of view but also from the impact it can have on therapies to limit the risk of recurrence. For example, a number of recent studies seem to question the use of anticoagulant treatments in the prevention of new attacks, obviously in people who have an ischemic stroke without clear evidence of an intravascular injury. But that’s not enough. With the stroke FAQ now you can understand the best options.

Analysis of the problem

stroke FAQ

It is widely demonstrated that heart problems, first and foremost arrhythmias, can lead to stroke, it has recently been discovered that even brain …